A bilingual story by a British author makes history in Sicily!

Congratulations to Lorraine D. Cork, a British author, who was a FINALIST in the 8° CONCORSO INTERNAZIONALE DI POESIA E NARRATIVA CITTA’ DI CEFALU’ 2022-23 for her second children’s story Leo la Superstar! in English and Italian.

The awards ceremony took place on June 3rd at the splendid Base Logistica Militare in Cefalù, Sicily. It was organised by the Poet and Writer Antonio Barracato the Comune di Cefalù and the Regione Siciliana, and it was presented by Katiusca Falbo.

The event began at 2 pm and precisely two hours and 29 minutes later Lorraine D. Cork took to the stage to receive her certificate and medal. When she was asked “Why did you come to Sicily?” by Katiusca Falbo, Lorraine responded, without any words (in her typical mimetic and theatrical style) by pointing to her husband in the audience and by pointing to her heart. “Aaahhh… for love! I knew it!” replied Katiusca laughing.


Following the interview Lorraine was presented with a certificate and a medal and she was asked to pose for some photographs.

At 20.30 there was a special awards dinner for the winning authors at a prestigious hotel in Cefalù surrounded by beautiful Mediterranean flowers and a swimming pool with twinkling lights.

You can watch the whole event here: https://www.facebook.com/calogero.giarrizzo/videos/220412907431839/

(Lorraine D. Cork: 2 hours, 29 mins)

Leo la Superstar! by Lorraine D. Cork is available online and in all good bookshops.